Second Life

If You Build It, They Will Come

I dearly love New Babbage. I especially love my neighborhood up in the Palisade. Last night, I decided to do a bit more solitary refurbishing to my CocoaJava Cafe (yes, I am becoming completely addicted to building now, fear me!)

As is often the case, Mister Mason Barnes was relaxing at a table, and after a few pleasantries, in which I realized he was not yet aware of the NB Ning (he immediately skittered over to sign up!) I dug into my work. Ah, but then Viv Trafalgar arrived, and offered assistance with a pesky prim that had been giving me no end of troubles. As we worked, a few more neighbors wandered over… and then the Green Dot Syndrome started to snowball. See, that’s when there’s a cluster of green dots on the SL map, and they are noticed, so others come by to see what might be going on. “Is this a party?” “No, not really, how are you? Sit down, have some coffee, talk a while!” We caught up on local news, and a few folk showed off their latest fashions. “Is that a new dress? Oh, you made it? How wonderful!” Mister Barnes tucked into a bit of building of his own, which is fine – I allow others to dabble a bit on my property, as everyone so far has been very polite about cleaning up after themselves or else leaving amusing items in the cafe for everyone’s enjoyment. I hope to be able to leave things this way for a while, it’s fun.

Just about then, Miss AnnaMaria Isabella started put on a show of sorts right next door by rezzing her fabulous new building! So, now our non-event was turning into a Gawker’s Fest as we watched our newest resident settle in.

Before I knew it, it was 11:30 pm and though I was having a grand time of it, my typist dearly needed to crawl into bed. I believe there were about fifteen people chattering happily on the patio when we made our farewells.

The building is far from finished. I have a small shoppe to stock, the kitchen to finish, and to settle on a use for the upstairs room. I need to add ladders to access the rooftop. I consider the Widow’s Walk on the roof to be a social area as well, but of a different sort. My notion is that this is a trysting-place, for sweethearts who wish to be alone, perhaps share a dance, and steal kisses. To add to the fun, the only access will be via random ladders, so they may feel they are truly scampering about in search of a pretty place to moon over each other.

It makes me very happy to note the random comings and goings of friends and strangers, and to see my place becoming a cosy, sociable destination in Palisade. Thank you, everyone, for your friendship and support. Enjoy the cafe, with my compliments.

Lori Alden Holuta lives between the cornfields of Mid-Michigan, where she grows vegetables and herbs when she’s not writing, editing, or playing games with a cat named Chives.

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