Book Review: The Dispatcher #2, Murder by Other Means

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Having really enjoyed book one, I immediately cracked into book two of this trilogy. While it works as a standalone story, it’s also a continuation of book one. I suspect book three (which I’ll read this afternoon) will complete the story. I do wonder why the author chose to publish three novellas rather than put all three together into one novel, but that’s not a complaint, just me being curious.
I love how Scalzi created a concept and then explores all its possibilities. I was darkly amused by the entertainment possibilities of experiencing death just for the thrill of it. I’m one of those people who loves lots of details, so I appreciate how Scalzi tells us every little thing that goes into a successful event.
I’m dying to finish the series, so if you don’t mind, could you give me a little shove? Thanks.
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