Book Review: Dear Lord Akeldama & Parasolverse Ephemera

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Lord Akeldama takes center stage (because of course he does), answering questions posed by real readers of the books set in Gail Carriger’s Parasolverse. Since this flamboyant vampire is one of my favorite literary characters, I knew I’d be in for a good time!
It’s clear that this book is a gift to loyal readers from a grateful author. And I appreciate that so much. It’s not often that readers, characters, and authors are all able to literally be on the same page in what felt to me like a slumber party setting.
I didn’t know Lord Akeldama would also be answering questions about himself. This is a brave step for an author to take, letting a precious character be bombarded by questions from the peanut gallery. But all went well. Lord Akeldama coyly skirted questions when necessary, and only hid behind the authorbeast’s skirts a few time. All in all, comedy gold.
For me though, the real treasure was buried near the end of the book, in a chapter titled, “What Does a Copy Edit Pass Look Like? One Author’s Internal Dialogue”. Gail gives us a glimpse into the thought process an author goes through when reviewing edits and suggestions made by her editor. We are right there with the beleaguered authorbeast as she reacts to all sorts of changes and questions about her manuscript. To my delight, I now know that I share a love of ellipses and hatred of the colon family with Miss Gail.
I’d venture to say that this book would be right at home on any editor’s reference shelf. Authorbeasts are, in reality, authorpeople, and it’s good for those scrutinizing their manuscripts to remember that from time to time.
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