Life In A Small Cowtown,  Living Simply

I Can Almost See the New Year From Here

Yesterday morning I shot through about three days worth of work; posted multiple book reviews, did needful website maintenance, caught up on the Socials (which NEVER happens, I can’t keep up with all you crazy kids) and did some kitchen cabinet purging. Whew. I’m starting to feel my annual New Year’s Refresh/Restart kicking in!

I always enjoy the ramp-up to the new year. I try not to take on any new work or projects in December, as I focus on clearing the to-do list (especially of items that have been on it all year!) and do what I can to relieve the house of clutter, dust, and items that haven’t been used since this time last year… or even longer.

On New Year’s day I will magically become twelve years old again, and will gleefully watch the Rose Parade from a pillow pile, in my jammies. That parade is in my DNA, as I was born in Pasadena.

I’ve loved this article, 20 Ways To Reset, Reflect, And Refresh For The New Year ever since it posted some years ago. It’s the closest an article has ever come to my way of thinking as a year prepares to bid us farewell. Maybe there’s a thing or two in it that resonates with you, too.

Lori Alden Holuta lives between the cornfields of Mid-Michigan, where she grows vegetables and herbs when she’s not writing, editing, or playing games with a cat named Chives.

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