Life In A Small Cowtown

Hay Internet? Sign up or sign in on THIS.

I am having an odd day online. It must be something that’s come un-set on my computer, cause this many websites and two different browsers can’t all go braindead at once, can they?

Ceejay: Hi Ning! How are you today?
Ning: Welcome to New Babbage. Sign Up or Sign In.
Ceejay: Okaaaaay. *signs in*
Ceejay: I think I will open a new tab and look at livejournal.
Livejournal: Please log in above to access the site.
Ceejay: Okaaaaay. *logs in*
Ceejay: I think I’ll look at that other tab which I have not closed whatsoever and should still be totally fine. *peers back at Ning, refreshes page*
Ning: Welcome to New Babbage. Sign Up or Sign In.
Ceejay: Huh? *signs in*
Ceejay: At least gmail never does that to me. *opens another tab to gmail*
Gmail: Sign in to Gmail with your Google account.
Ceejay: Waiiit. Sensing a trend. *signs in*
Ceejay: Tabbing back to livejournal… *crosses fingers*
Livejournal: Please log in above to access the site.
Ceejay: Okay, hello Internet! Annoying much today?
Gus: Hey Ceej, you know you have two journals set up in the Gangplank?
Ceejay: *whimpers* How did that happen? *deletes one*
Ceejay: *refreshes page to see if journal is gone*
Ning: Welcome to The Gangplank. Sign Up or Sign In.
Ceejay: Hey, Firefox? Bite me. Reverting to IE till you remember that you love me.
Ceejay: HAI WINDOWS EXPLODER! Remember me?
Exploder: 404: Page Not Found
Ceejay: *narrows eyes, hits F5*
Exploder: Welcome to the Gangplank. Sign Up or Sign In.
Ceejay: Okay. Totally expected that for just starting this session.
Ning Via Exploder: *doesn’t accept log in, page jitters but does not accept input*
Ceejay: ARGH. *goes to to see how long the snow falling outside will last* Welcome to Weather Underground! Sign In or Create an Account.
Ceejay: DARLING! I’ve been permanently signed in to you for 10 months! You know me, right? Look at my face! *stares* *doesn’t look, sits like a lump and offers pics of Australia*
Ceejay: *sighs* I’m gonna go read a book. And if I can’t crack open the pages without a password, I’m gonna build a special password into a nearby wall with my fist.

Lori Alden Holuta lives between the cornfields of Mid-Michigan, where she grows vegetables and herbs when she’s not writing, editing, or playing games with a cat named Chives.

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