Living Simply

6P, Or Not 6P

…. is no longer the question.  Today, I bid farewell to my beloved Hewlett Packard 6P printer, which I purchased at work when I was hired here, in 1997.  Even THEN she was a soon-to-be-discontinued model, circa 1996.  In all these years, we’ve been together, and my 6P has never once needed any sort of service at all. I just fed her a new cartridge now and then and all was well.The Most Wonderous 6P

But recently, she stopped pulling paper from the tray -I think her poor little rollers had just pulled through so many thousands of pages that they got tired.

I had hoped we’d begin and end our university careers together, but I’ve still got 5 years to go, and well, SixPee just wouldn’t be able to walk into the light with me. I said my farewells as they put her on the cart (I’m feeling better! Think I’ll go for a walk!) but refrained from hugging her due to my co-workers already thinking I’m weird.

So, today we installed a Brother MFC7360N Printer.  She’s nice. Shiny. Knows how to scan.  I like her.  She’s no 6P, but time does march on.

brother printer


Lori Alden Holuta lives between the cornfields of Mid-Michigan, where she grows vegetables and herbs when she’s not writing, editing, or playing games with a cat named Chives.

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